Start Your Career With a Reliable Company
What Makes Us Unique?
Until further notice, all new sales reps hired to the Exclusive Territory Preset Appointment Division (ETPAD) of Buffett Senior Healthcare Corp. (BSH) are GUARANTEED a minimum of $75,000.00 first-year sales income. New hires must request a binding agreement from the company before starting a position to be applicable to this income guarantee.This furthermore states that in the unlikely event an individual was to make under the minimum $75,000.00 sales income level by the end of their 1st year of active full-time field sales work, then Buffett Senior Healthcare® will reimburse the difference to them in one lump sum payment.**This guarantee ONLY applies to individuals that are hired into this specific sales division of BSH. The other 14 sales divisions of Buffett Senior Healthcare Corp. are not eligible for this income guarantee.Are you looking to work for a company that could provide you with a sales career that is unaffected by fluctuations in the economy?Are you sick of sitting in a cubicle all day making other people money while you enjoy the same boring paycheck each week?What about a sales career with a company whose target market is growing at the rate of over 11,000 people per day and will continue growing beyond that rate for the next 20 years?

Is waking up each day to go to work not exciting for you?
Do you want a career in sales that allows you to earn a high-income level, but not one that requires you to cold-call or chase around expensive, low-quality, unqualified and uninterested “leads” that are spread throughout the state?
Would you be interested in a sales career that provides you with 3-4 preset appointments each day, all made the previous day and all set for you in the same given vicinity each week?
Are you fed up working for a company that limits your income potential and has little or no room for management growth?
If these 3-4 preset daily appointments were set for you using the methodology and quality as outlined below, do you believe you could earn a high level of income if provided full training and maximum support?

Our Process
1. Prospective customer responds via the internet with interest in our type of services and/or receives information by mail regarding our type of services.
2. Prospective customer is called by your company and set an appointment for you to see them the next day knowing your first and last name, what you are providing, what time you will be at their home the following day, and is qualified to purchase at least one of our products.
3. Prospective customer is again called back within 30 minutes by a supervisor for verification. This call is to verify the accuracy of all of the above and confirm their interest in our services, that the prospect still wants to keep their appointment with you, their age, name, health, time of appointment, prospect’s address (including directions). They again re-confirm that they understand who you are and what you will be providing them the next day when you arrive for their appointment.
4. Prior to posting your appointment to your account, the recordings of both calls are then disseminated to a Quality Assurance Department whose only job is to listen to all that was said during the setting and verification calls of the appointment to ensure it is of the highest practical quality.
5. Every evening you log into your account, provide your password, and see your entire day is fully planned for you to go out, sell your appointments, and make money!

About Us
Buffett Senior Healthcare® is a company driving to challenge the norm, to be above all else, to innovate, to take the marketplace beyond where its been. We don’t let the marketplace define us, we define the marketplace.Buffett Senior Healthcare® (BSH) is a revolutionary marketing company that is on the leading edge of the future in the innovative senior healthcare sales market. As of January 2016, BSH is contractually backed by a wealth of $120,000,000,000 (billion) from several top Fortune 500 companies. BSH has partnered with these companies to market their Medicare supplement benefit products and increase product distributions. BSH is targeting the ever-growing baby-boomer market, which increases by more than 11,000 new seniors every day!Thus, in just a short time BSH was founded and has become one of the highest producing senior marketing firms in the nation, well above forecasted expectations.
Why Us
- Our senior market sales are not affected by the economy whatsoever. With a focus on the senior citizen population, BSH is targeting the heavily growing baby-boomer market. This market is literally increasing in numbers by more than 11,000 (eleven-thousand) new Medicare recipients every day! Thus, it is of no surprise that in just the short time since BSH was founded, they are already among the highest senior market product distributions in the nation, well above forecasted expectations. Furthermore, BSH has internal private investors, which require them to be held accountable to focus on only hiring the right individuals for each available position within their organization. As proven during 2017, this has markedly lessened their employee turnover and maximized producer sales volume.
- Our organization provides all sales Associates with renewal/residual income from each sale they make. This allows our associates to build a large base of former sales that will continue to pay them ongoing residual income month after month as they continue to stack monthly sales.
- In addition, Sales Associates have the option of entering company-paid management training in as little as only two months with Buffett Senior Healthcare ®, as we continue to expand across the nation to fill more new positions to satisfy the ever-rising demand for our products from the continually growing senior citizen baby-boomer generation!
- If hired for a position with us, our sales associates receive a starting weekly Base Pay for their first 4 weeks on staff during their “learning curve” training period while still earning full commission on all products they sell. In addition, from week one, all associates have the benefit of qualifying for weekly Expense Pay up to $500.00 per week, having provided their week’s business expense receipts. Moreover, once a new associate in the Buffett ETPAD has completed their entire product portfolio training (usually no more than 180 days / 6-mos), they then receive a $15,000.00 (fifteen thousand dollar) bonus check!
- After an associate has mastered our primary products, all associates have the option of entering higher-level training to learn about BSH’s additional products, such as underage health and life products, Long Term Care, and financial service products (i.e. Annuities).
- To avoid the need to rely on cold-calling, lead generation, and prospecting each week to earn a living, as is commonplace with most competitor firms, all BSH associates’ starting from Day One after their initial classroom training are provided with 3-4 daily preset appointments.
- These appointments are made as described on the Home Page of this website. A position with Buffett Senior Healthcare® in the ETPAD as described throughout this particular website is… ONLY FOR THE RIGHT PERSON!

I started as a regular field associate and after 8 weeks became a field trainer. Two months later I was a state field trainer and three months after that I become a regional field trainer and Team Leader. Finally, in just under a year on staff I assumed a position as a BSH Regional Field Director and had 3 Teams under me that I was managing. My vision was is to someday become a National Director. I knew the way BSH was growing, so I had little doubt I ccould achieve this goal by my 5th year! The opportunity is certainly there, I told myself! Now, I am in the position of National Director over the ETPAD and it did not take the five years I thought it would. It took me only one year! My next goal is to be National Director over ALL 15 sales divisions of Buffett. That will happen! Watch.
-Alexis R.
“Excellent, prompt service! The kind of service that keeps you AND your family in mind!”
-Bill A.